Building with Ondorse

With Ondorse, you access a modular architecture to accommodate your business use case over time. New datasets can be added, and new rules can be configured, without engineering resources. Non-technical users can manage the rules and flows of your verification processes.

Ondorse handles the complexity around building verification processes by leveraging its own Workflow logic.

A workflow is a set of tasks that each new customer will need to go through to get verified and ultimately onboarded within your organization. Tasks are units of a verification process. Ondorse lets you build and run workflows as you like. You can easily add and remove tasks, even after you have started onboarding customers.


Stay flexible

With ever-changing regulations, building a flexible process is key to staying compliant.

By leveraging workflows, you can build flexible verification processes and adapt to always changing regulatory requirements, especially if you operate in more than one jurisdiction. You can maintain knowledge of regulatory evolutions and transcribe them into Ondorse configuration. You can translate new documentary requirements into functional requirements. You can add data sources when they are required and update rules and risk scores accordingly.